What is Pranic Healing? Each and every one of us is surrounded by an energy field called bio-plasmic body (ethereal body) or energy body or aura. Science, with the help of Kirlian photography has rediscovered the existence of energy body. ( Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It was named after Semyon Kirlian, who in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object is on a photographic plate is connected to a high voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate). This energy body keeps the physical body alive and healthy. Therefore, any disturbance in the energy body shall manifest as physical ailment. This energy body is called Pranic Body, derived from the word Prana. Pranic Healing is divided into different levels. In the first level, the students are taught how to absorb air prana or chi energy, and how to project it to the patients. They are also taught how to make their hands sensitive and how to scan or feel the energy body of the patient. They learn how to cleanse, energize, and stabilize the projected chi energy, release the projected energy, and cut the energy cord. Likewise, they learn how to make the patient receptive in order to accelerate the healing process. Other lessons include self-healing, divine healing, and distant healing, especially how to project pranic energy or chi energy at a great distance. In level two, the students are taught how to use different color pranas and chi energy in cleansing and energizing the patient. This technique is more potent. In level three, the students are taught how to use color pranas or chi energy on psychological ailments. Treating psychological ailments requires more time and effort, and greater skill. In level four, the students are taught how to use crystals to focus chi energy or pranic energy to heal patients. Other higher levels of pranic healing are not taught to the public, but only to Master Choa Kok Sui’s close senior students. Pranic Healing is simple, easy to learn, and very effective. Pranic Healing is based on the overall structure of the human body. Man’s whole physical body is actually composed of two parts: the visible physical body; and the invisible energy body called bioplasmic body. The visible physical body is that part of the human body that we can see, touch, and are most acquainted with. The bioplasmic body is that invisible luminous energy body which interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four to five inches. This is also called the etheric body or etheric double. Pranic Healing is therefore, an ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana or ki or life energy to heal the whole physical body. It also involves the manipulation of ki and bio-plasmic matter of the patients body. It has also been called medical qigong (ki Kung or ki healing), psychic healing, vitalic healing, therapeutic touch, laying of the hand, magnetic healing, faith healing, and charismatic healing. Pranic Healing is a no touch, no drug therapy, in which the healer transfers the prana from the surroundings to the affected parts of the patients energy body. The following are what Pranic Healing can do:  Heal simple ailments like headache, toothache, gas pain, et cetera, almost immediately;  Bring down fever in a few hours;  Heal major ailments such as kidney failure, respiratory disease, leukemia, fracture, diabetes, heart disease. These can be treated in a few sessions;  Pranic healing also reduces suffering in serious ailments such as tumor, cancer, et cetera;  It has been found to be very effective in stress relief and corporate stress management;  It can be applied to reduce tension;  Improves memory and concentration;  Improves self-esteem;  Improves interpersonal relationships at home & office environment;  Helps in rapid spiritual growth;  Improves health and increases stamina.

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