
Showing posts from October, 2013


Four Ways to Overcome Food Temptations Everyone faces food temptations. Once in a while a healthy, conscious eater will find his or herself faced with bad food choices. It happens to the best of us. Some people believe that, we fitness instructors have superhuman power that keeps us immune to food temptations. They assume we eat perfectly right 100% of the time. That assumption is far from the truth. Like everyone else, I also have times when I crave and eat foods I wouldn’t eat on a good day. Yes, there are times when I find myself in an environment, where it would take mind over matter to curb my craving, and to escape the food temptations. Living a healthy lifestyle is a journey and not a destination, we will face obstacles along the path, but we must always tell ourselves “I’m on this journey to succeed”. In this article I share with you four ways to overcome food temptations. I used these strategies, to overcome food temptations when I lost 23kg in 9 months (and I still use th...


Who doesn't want flat abs? People desperate to lose weight will willingly starve themselves, take expensive supplements or do the latest fad diet that promises to give them that flawless figure in 30 days. Thankfully, belly fat is metabolically active and easier to lose. However, if proper nutrition is not observed and the resort is made to low calorie diets, weight loss may not happen within the desired time frame. Hunger and calorie deprivation will eventually kick in and dieters confronted with that favorite food they have been avoiding will have the tendency to binge at the first opportunity. The likelihood of gaining more weight than they originally lost is not far-fetched. According to Christine Rosenbloom, a nutrition professor at Georgia State University, eating a calorie-controlled diet and 60 minutes of daily moderate exercise activity will result to weight loss and can even help with the desired weight maintenance. In fact, according to Professor Michael Jensen of the ...


Let’s talk a little bit about how headphones came to be in the first place. Headphones were developed in 1910 by Nathaniel Baldwin in Utah. According to Smithsonian magazine, he sold the first pair of headphones to the U.S. Navy, who found them to be a vast improvement over the mechanism that Naval radio operators were using. Fast forward to just after World War II: John Koss, jazz musician and the founder of Koss Corp., developed the first headphones designed specifically for music, closely mimicking the sounds of a concert-filled hall and quickly attracting music-lovers. For about 30 years, headphones looked the same until Sony came up with little earphones that fit in your ear to accompany its Walkman. They didn’t reach their peak of popularity until 2001 when Apple and Steve Jobs introduced the iPod and shipped each one with white earbuds — instantly recognizable in the ears of millions of Apple-using teens and adults today. Headphones always have been a danger to our hearing, i...


Despite the unproven effectiveness of made-for-TV stomach-flattening devices, health clubs, home gyms and exercise enthusiasts everywhere continue to try everything from ab rollers to crunch machines to chase the elusive six-pack. But do any of these contraptions actually work? Let's find out. In an article called "How to Get a Flat Stomach," I explain that the best way to get results is to include exercises that target every muscle of your midsection, including your rectus abdominis (front of your abs), the external and internal obliques (sides of your abs), the transverses abdominis (bottom of your abs) and to balance things out, also the important postural muscles of your lower back. If you can include all of these muscle groups into a single workout, then you can quickly, safely and successfully get a flat stomach or a set of six-pack abs. But here's the problem: most of these popular ab machines you see in infomercials only target one or a few of these musc...


This question deserves to be addressed because many such questions have come in lately seeking to understand why we speak of The Grail Message. Also many legends and poetic writings exist about the Grail Castle, the Holy Grail, Grail Knights and similar descriptions which were attempts by man to put into earthly form something that is completely un-earthly. The answer given here is only an attempt to awaken a deeper urge to seek, for each person must exert the God-given power of his spirit to understand Creation, through which The Creator constantly speaks to us. Grail is a living fulfilment of the manifestation of the great Love of The Almighty Creator, Our God, towards all creatures. It is the point of anchorage at the summit of the whole of Creation which, through the activity and radiations of The Holy Spirit, constitutes the starting point of the entire Creation. It is called the Holy Grail because it lies on the outermost border adjacent to the Divine Sphere, acting like a poi...


Being successful as a personal trainer can be defined a lot of ways. I don’t define it as having a lot of client sessions; rather, I define it as training in such a way that you make yourself unnecessary, which has the paradoxical effect of causing your clients to want more of you. I also define it as training to best serve the people who need our help the most. And meeting the needs of currently underserved markets undoubtedly will result in a steady stream of clients for the next several decades. Here are five keys to being a successful trainer: 1. Lead—Don’t Cheerlead A successful trainer develops a client’s desire for, and ability to pursue, fitness independently of the trainer. It’s not about giving someone a killer workout and saying “good job” even if it isn’t. Leading someone to fitness means using what they care about to foster an internal drive to move in the direction of better fitness. It’s really about teaching, not training. Make yourself unnecessary and a funny thin...

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When workouts backfire By Linda Melone, CSCS Exercise's anti-gravity effect on your body provides more than enough incentive to hit the gym (hello, perky posterior!). But it only works if you do it correctly-too much of one thing and not enough of another can actually add years to your body. We talked to the pros to single out the most common exercise habits that age you, and what to do instead. Mistake: You never take a break If you're tired all the time and feel achy and sore, you may not be allowing your body enough time to heal between workouts, which can age you, says John Higgins, MD, associate professor of medicine at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and director of exercise physiology at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center. "In your teens and 20s, it took approximately 18 hours to repair muscle fibers affected by a workout, but this increases to 36 hours in your 40s or older," he says. Using those same muscles before they'r...