This question deserves to be addressed because many such questions have come in lately seeking to understand why we speak of The Grail Message. Also many legends and poetic writings exist about the Grail Castle, the Holy Grail, Grail Knights and similar descriptions which were attempts by man to put into earthly form something that is completely un-earthly.
The answer given here is only an attempt to awaken a deeper urge to seek, for each person must exert the God-given power of his spirit to understand Creation, through which The Creator constantly speaks to us.
Grail is a living fulfilment of the manifestation of the great Love of The Almighty Creator, Our God, towards all creatures. It is the point of anchorage at the summit of the whole of Creation which, through the activity and radiations of The Holy Spirit, constitutes the starting point of the entire Creation.
It is called the Holy Grail because it lies on the outermost border adjacent to the Divine Sphere, acting like a point of connection between the Divine and the work of Creation. The Holy Grail is protected in a Castle, called the Grail Castle, with Eternal Primordial Spiritual Beings serving in loyalty as The Guardians of The Grail.
Every Light fulfilment; that is, every promise of The Almighty Creator which is meant for the benefit of all lower lying planes of existence and creatures, flow downwards through The Holy Grail, as a connection point. Also, the yearly recurring release of Holy Power and supply of vital energy from God Almighty for the renewal and sustenance of the entire creation, which is the Pentecost, or the outpouring of the Power of The Holy Spirit, is fulfilled through The Holy Grail.
As such the Grail or the Holy Grail is the point from which Divine Power flows, like from a transmitting station, and so nourishes all creatures and sustains the Covenant between the Creator and His Work.
In order also to give a comprehensive knowledge of the Workings of The Almighty Creator in His Creation, as well as lay bare a logical, indeed practical knowledge of Creation, leaving no gaps and doubts, the Love of God also permitted a Message to be granted us from out of the same Source that sustains The Holy Grail; hence The Grail Message, In The Light of Truth, written by Abd-ru-shin.
The explanation given in this article is based on the author’s understanding of the Work “In The Light of Truth”, The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin.
The reader is hereby invited to personally examine this Work.