My Resignation at The Four Points by Sheraton Lagos!

It was 3 months of 8 hours per day, 5 days per week work, paying an amount that is not specific. The work environment was clean, beautiful and peaceful. The staff were friendly, kind and great to interact with. The guests were rich and sophisticated. All seem to be perfect. A staff bus, one healthy meal a day, reasonable pay, flexible work terms, and regular on the job training. Why did I resign? It is not all that glitter that is gold. I thought of the result I'll get daily when am able t dedicate 8 hours daily to my business. Imagine a minimum of 2000 Naira per hour, maximum of 10,000 Naira per hour. Let us look away from the monetary aspect. Do I really love spending 8 hours at The Four Points or at my business? I love the people at Four Points, I equally desire my business to grow. I needed to ensure that am working smart not hard. I vowed to always follow my inner voice, hence the tendering of my resignation letter. I still desire to teach yoga and pilates here, only when given the chance. I affirm that all is well, with total gratitude to my Creator. I remain steadfast in love!

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