How Do You Measure How Strong You Are?
5 Tests That Will Measure Your Strength
See how you match up to these standards
By Kelsey Cannon, November 19, 2014
If you’ve ever spent any time on Internet fitness forums, it’s pretty easy to feel like every guy in the world is stronger than you are. You’ll read about how “any bro who lifts” should be able to bench press more than 300 pounds and deadlift at least 500.
But look around most gyms, and those definitely aren’t the norms. And if you’re not attaining those numbers, it’s certainly not an indicator that your workout isn’t working, or that you’re weak and unhealthy.
Of course, it can still be helpful to have numbers to strive for. “If you never measure yourself objectively, you’ll never actually know how fit you are or how to improve,” says James Sjostrom, SFG, owner CrossFit NRG in Salt Lake City, Utah. The bonus: Making performance your goal often comes with a positive side effect of weight loss and muscle gain, says Sjostrom.
That’s why we asked several top strength coaches to give us a way to gauge our current performance. The ratings are simply based on how each coach would rank someone’s strength in a specific movement, and range from “below average” to “extraordinary.” Which will give almost any guy room to improve.
Except on Internet forums, where everyone will no doubt score “extraordinary” across the board.
Devised by Martin Rooney, creator of the Training for Warriors system, this test is simple: Do as many pushups as you can for 3 minutes straight, resting as needed. The pushup challenge is a fantastic way to test your upper body strength and endurance of your core, chest, and arms,” says Rooney. And since it doesn’t involve equipment, you can do it anywhere, anytime—he recommends revisiting this diabolical task every 6 to 8 weeks to assess improvement.
Rooney’s Rating Scale
Below average: Less than 54
Average: 55-74
Good: 75-99
Excellent: 100-110
Extraordinary: More than 111
Used by StrongFirst team leader and CrossFit gym owner, James Sjostrom, the deadlift test is quick and to the point, but it’s not easy. Sjostrom suggests testing your one-rep maximum—as much as you can lift once—to gage the strength of your hips, glutes, and hamstrings, which are often neglected in favor of the muscles you can see in the mirror.
Sjostrom’s Deadlift Scorecard
Below Average: Less than bodyweight
Average: Bodyweight
Good: Bodyweight every minute, on the minute for 10 consecutive minutes
Excellent: 2 times your bodyweight
Extraordinary: More than 2 times your bodyweight
“For guys at my facility, 75 percent of the time, testing chinup ability serves as a rude wakeup call that they’re not as strong as they think,” says Gentilcore, who likes to use a 3 rep-max chinup challenge with his clients to assess their strength as it relates to their bodyweight. If you’ve never tested your 3-rep max for chinups, and you’re cranking through bodyweight reps easily, Gentilcore recommends adding 10 to 20 pounds each time you perform a set. Rest 3 to 4 minutes between each set, and keep adding weight until you can’t perform 3 reps in a row anymore. This will give you a better idea of where to begin your test from next time.
Gentilcore’s Chinup Challenge
Below Average: 0 to 1 reps at bodyweight
Average: 3 reps at bodyweight
Good: Bodyweight plus 10 pounds
Excellent: Bodyweight plus 25 pounds
Extraordinary: Bodyweight plus 50 pounds
Chinups aren’t the only way Genilcore assesses his clients. He also relies on a squat test to measure pure strength in the glutes, quads, and core—the most powerful muscles in your body—and he adds some serious weight. Using his 3-rep max system, Gentilcore recommends starting with a weight you’re confident you can lift at least 3 or 4 times (but not a lot more). Rest 3 to 4 minutes. Then add 5- or 10-pound plates on each side to increase the load, and repeat until you can no longer perform 3 reps in a row. The weight you lifted just before your breaking point is your 3-rep max.
Gentilcore’s Squat Assessment
Below Average: 75% of your bodyweight
Average: Bodyweight
Good: 1.25 times your bodyweight
Excellent: 1.5 to 1.75 times your bodyweight
Extraordinary: More than 1.75 times your bodyweight
The Turkish Getup is not a basic, one-step move; however, it is what Dan John, strength coach and author of Mass Made Simple, considers a foundational movement because it helps to draw out issues that and point to gaps in athletes’ training. Relying on proficiency in a push, hinge, and pull, the getup serves as a litmus test for functional strength, says John, who created an unconventional way to test your getup. Try balancing a full cup of water on the fist of your extended arm—you’ll be surprised how laser-like your focus becomes. Stay steady or you’ll be wet—and embarrassed.
Dan John’s Getup Gauntlet
Below Average: ½ getup, no weight
Average: Full getup, no weight
Good: Full get up with water cup
Excellent: Full getup with a 16kg kettlebell
Extraordinary: Full getup with a 24kg ketttlebell.