Total fitness is best explained in the definition of health by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.), which states that 'Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not the mere absence of diseases and infirmity.

A person is said to be totally fit when he/she possesses certain attributes. An individual is said to be totally fit on the following premises:

1. If he/she physically has organic vigour, organic base, is active, is skilled in some physical activities, and enjoys a sense of well-being.

2. If he/she socially understands and respects the rights of others, likes people, practices service above self, and makes satisfactory group adjustment.

3. If he/she mentally has a healthy outlook of life, has good sense of judgement, thinks independently and constructively, and is resourceful.

4. If he/she emotionally has stability and self-control, and faces reality in a honest manner.

In other words, an individual is said to be totally fit when he/she is physically, socially, mentally, emotionally fit and free from diseases and infirmity. Physical fitness therefore is just one aspect of total fitness.

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