The Nature of the Energy Body 2.

“On this depends the existence of the whole Creation! It is the moment in which the Love of the Creator radiantly flows forth in the Temple of the Holy Grail, bringing new life and a new urge to create, pulsating downwards and diffusing itself through all the Universe. A trembling and a holy awe, with forebodings of joy and great happiness, vibrate through all the spheres. Only the spirit of earthman still stands aside, without intuitively sensing what is happening particularly to him at that moment; or in what a dull-witted manner he accepts such an immeasurable gift, because the limitations he imposed upon himself through his intellect no longer permit him to grasp such greatness. It is the moment when a new supply of vital energy is sent out into the entire Creation!” – pages 390 and 391. Lecture 34. THE HOLY GRAIL. ABD-RU-SHIN IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH THE GRAIL MESSAGE. Composite Volume. Eleven Major Chakras (Energy Centres) 1. Basic Chakra. This chakra is located at the base of the spine or the coccyx area. The basic chakra controls, energizes and strengthens the whole visible physical body. It controls and energizes the muscular and skeletal systems, the spine, the production and the quality of the blood produced, the adrenal glands, the tissues of the body and of the internal organs. It also affects and energizes the sexual organs. The basic chakra affects the body heat, the general vitality, and the growth of infants and children. Malfunctioning of this chakra manifests as arthritis, spinal ailments, blood ailments, cancer, bone cancer, leukaemia, allergy, growth problem, low vitality, and slow healing of wounds and broken bones. Persons with highly activated basic chakras tend to be robust and healthy, while those with less active basic chakras tend to be fragile and weak. Old people usually have depleted basic chakras. This is why their bodies are weak and becomes smaller; their spine tend to curve, and they tend to develop arthritis. The basic chakras is like the root of a tree. If the root is weak, the tree is weak. If the basic chakra is weak, the body is also very weak. Another term for the basic chakra is “root chakra”. 2. Sex Chakra. This chakra is located on the pubic area. It controls and energizes the sexual organs and the bladder. Malfunctioning of this chakra manifests as sex-related problems. The ajna chakra, throat chakra and basic chakra have a strong influence on the sex chakra. Malfunctioning of any of these chakras may result in malfunctioning of the sex chakra. 3. Meng Mein Chakra. This chakra is located at the back of the navel. It serves as a “pumping station” in the spine; thus, it is responsible for the upward flow of subtle pranic energies coming from the basic chakra. It controls and energizes the kidneys and adrenal glands. It also controls the blood pressure. Malfunctioning of this chakra manifests as kidney problems, low vitality, high blood pressure and back problems. The meng mein chakra of infants, children, pregnant women and very old people should not be energized because of the possible adverse effects that will be produced. The meng mein chakra and the sex chakra control and energizes the urinary system. 4. Navel Chakra. This chakra is located on the navel. It controls and energizes the small intestine, large intestine, and appendix. It affects the general vitality of a person. Malfunctioning of the navel chakra manifests as constipation, appendicitis, difficulty in giving birth, low vitality and other diseases related to the intestines. The word “ki” is used quite loosely to mean subtle energies. Ki is sometimes used to mean air prana, ground prana, red prana, and other types of prana. It is also used to mean a type of “biosynthetic ki” produced by the navel chakra. This “biosynthetic ki” is quite different from prana or life energy. It affects one’s ability to draw in, distribute and assimilate prana. During bad weather conditions, the quantity of air prana is quite scarce. Persons with lesser “biosynthetic ki” have greater difficulty drawing in air prana; therefore, they tend to feel more tired or low than the average person. The body gets nutrients by drinking and eating and, in the process, produces hormones through the endocrine glands. The food, water and juices corresponds to the different types of pranic energies that is absorbed by the energy body. The hormones produced by the body corresponds to the biosynthetic ki produced by the energy body. The biosynthetic ki produced by the navel chakra is golden in colour. 5. Spleen Chakra. The front spleen chakra is located on the left part of the abdomen between the front solar plexus chakra and the navel chakra. It is located at the middle part of the left bottom rib. The back spleen chakra lies at the back of the front spleen chakra. The spleen chakra is about 1/3 to ½ the size of the other major chakras. The front and back spleen chakras control and energize the spleen. The spleen purifies the blood of disease-causing germs. It also destroys worn-out blood cells. The front and back spleen chakras are the major entry points of air prana or air vitality globules. Air prana is digested by the spleen chakra; the digested prana is distributed to the other major chakras and to the entire body, thereby energizing them. The spleen chakra apparently plays a vital part in man’s general well-being. A weak spleen chakra means a weak physical body and low pranic energy level. It is not advisable to energize the spleen chakra of infants and children because they may faint as a reslt of pranic congestion. Should this happen, just apply general sweeping. Also, it is not advisable to energize the spleen chakra of patients with hypertension or a history of hypertension because this may increase the blood pressure. However, this chakra is used to treat patients who are very weak or very depleted. In cases of severe infection, the spleen chakra should be treated to facilitate the rate of healing. Only experienced or advanced pranic healers should energize the spleen chakra. 6. Solar Plexus Chakra. There are two solar plexus chakras: the one located at the solar plexus area or the hollow area between the ribs is called the front solar plexus chakra, and the one at the back is called the back solar plexus chakra. The term “solar plexus” shall mean both the front and back solar plexus chakras. This chakra controls and energizes the large and small intestines, appendix, lungs, heart and other parts of the body. This chakra also affects the quality of the blood because it controls and energizes the liver which detoxifies the blood. The solar plexus, through the liver, controls the cholesterol level of the body. It therefore affects the condition of the heart. The solar plexus chakra is the energy clearing house centre. Subtle energies from the lower chakras and from the higher chakras pass through it. The whole body can be energized through the solar plexus chakra. On rare occasions, over energizing this chakra without first thoroughly cleansing may result in pranic congestion, thereby partially paralyzing the diaphragm, resulting in difficulty in breathing. Congested prana should be removed immediately. The solar plexus chakra also controls the heating and cooling system of the body. Malfunctioning of this chakra may manifest as diabetes, ulcer, hepatitis, heart ailments and other illnesses related to the organs mentioned. The solar plexus chakra and the navel chakra control and energizes the gastrointestinal system. 7. The Heart Chakra. The front heart chakra is located at the centre of the chest. It energizes and controls the heart, the thymus gland, and the circulatory system. Malfunctioning of the front heart chakra manifests as heart and circulatory ailments. The solar plexus chakra is quite sensitive to emotion, tension and stress, and has a strong influence on the physical heart and the front heart chakra. Malfunctioning of the solar plexus chakra may cause the front heart chakra and the physical heart to also malfunction. The front heart chakra is closely connected to the front solar plexus chakra by several big energy channels, and is also energized by the front solar plexus chakra to a certain degree. Patients with heart problems usually have malfunctioning solar plexus chakra. The back heart chakra is located at the back of the heart. It primarily controls and energizes the lungs and, to a lesser degree, the heart and the thymus gland. Malfunctioning of the back heart chakra manifests as lung problems such as asthma, tuberculosis, and others. Energizing of the heart is done through the back heart chakra. Energizing the front heart chakra directly and immediately energizes the physical heart. However, the pranic energy tends to localize, or does not spread easily to other parts of the body. This may result in serious heart pranic congestion. It is not therefore advisable to intensely energize the front heart chakra for a prolonged period of time. Experienced pranic healers energize through the back heart chakra. This does not have a localized effect on the physical heart. Excess prana can easily flow to the lungs and to other parts of the body. The whole body could be energized through the back heart chakra. 8. Throat Chakra. This chakra is located at the centre of the throat. It controls and energizes the throat, the thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, and the lymphatic system. To a certain degree, it also influences the sex chakra. Malfunctioning of the throat chakra manifests as throat-related ailments such as goiter, sore throat, loss of voice, asthma, sterility and so on. 9. Ajna Chakra. This chakra is located at the area between the eyebrows. It controls and energizes the pituitary gland, the endocrine glands, and energizes the brain to a certain extent. It is also called the master chakra because it directs and controls the other major chakras and their corresponding endocrine glands and vital organs. It also affects the eyes and the nose. Malfunctioning of this chakra manifests as diseases related to the endocrine glands like diabetes. This requires not only treating the solar plexus chakra which controls the pancreas, but also the ajna chakra. Energizing this chakra also causes the whole body to be energized. The mechanism is different from the crown and forehead chakra. Instead of the usual funneling effect, energizing the ajna chakra causes the other chakras to light up in a certain rapid sequence, thereby energizing the whole body. That is why in charismatic healing or invocative healing, the healers touch with their fingers or palms either on the crown or the forehead or the ajna chakra of the patients. The sudden intense rushing in of prana into the head area causes some patients to lose consciousness. The ajna, throat, back heart and solar plexus chakras control and energize the respiratory system. 10. Forehead Chakra. This is located at the centre of the forehead. It controls and energizes the pineal gland and the nervous system. Malfunctioning of the forehead chakra may manifest as loss of memory, paralysis and epilepsy. Energizing this chakra has a similar funneling effect like the crown chakra causing the whole body to be flooded with prana. 11. Crown Chakra. This is located at the crown of the head. It controls and energizes the pineal gland, the brain and the entire body. It is one of the major entry points of prana. Energizing the crown chakra has the effect of energizing the whole body. It is similar to pouring water on a funnel causing the whole body to be flooded with prana. Some healers proceed to energize the crown chakra even though the affected part is somewhere else. Malfunctioning of the crown chakra may manifest as diseases related to the pineal gland and brain. These may manifest as physical or psychological illnesses. The crown and forehead chakra facilitates the harmonizing and normalizing of the other chakras, just as the pineal gland facilitates the harmonizing and normalizing of the other endocrine glands of the body. Modern scientific research shows that the pineal gland is connected with the aging and anti-aging process. The whole body can be energized through the crown, forehead, ajna, back heart, solar plexus, navel, spleen, basic, hand, and foot chakras. An affected part can be energized directly or through the nearest chakra. Some healers may energize through a farther chakra, like the ajna or the crown chakra to treat a heart or abdominal problem. Therefore, one can deduce that there are so many possible healing techniques to treat one type of ailment. But the basic principles are the same: cleansing and energizing. Acupuncture points and chakras are gates through which prana can easily go in and out. By energizing through the nearest chakra, the projected prana will have easy and direct access to the affected part. While energizing directly, the affected part has a filtering action on the projected prana; therefore, energizing takes more time and more prana. In energizing the whole body, the solar plexus chakra is usually used because of its proximity to the many important organs in the body. It is located at the centre of the trunk which contains many essential organs. When energizing the solar plexus chakra, it should be done slowly and gently. Too much and too intense energizing can cause difficulty in breathing. A thorough knowledge of the 11 major chakras is important. Just as learning physical anatomy is necessary for a person to become a good medical doctor, a full understanding of the 11 major chakras, which correspond to the anatomy of the energy body, is necessary to become a highly proficient pranic healer or energy healer. The Mechanism behind Psychosomatic Diseases. Uncontrolled and suppressed emotions and feelings such as anger, worry, prolonged irritation and frustrations have undesirable potent effects on the energy body. For instance, anger and frustration may result in pranic depletion around the solar plexus chakra and abdominal areas or may manifest as pranic congestion around the solar plexus chakra and the front heart chakra. In the first case, it manifests itself as indigestion or loose bowel movement. In the long run, it may manifest as heart enlargement or some other heart related problems. It seems that a negative emotion may manifest a certain type of disease in one patient but may manifest as another type of disease in another patient. Anger and intense worry devitalize the whole energy body so that the body becomes susceptible to all kinds of diseases. Negative emotions cause disturbances in the energy body so that the whole physical body becomes sick. You may have experienced that after intense anger or an altercation, you felt physically exhausted or became sick. This is because both the energy and visible physical bodies had been drained of prana or life energy and become susceptible to infection. If the ailment is of emotional origin, the patient must not only be given pranic healing but also psychological counseling. He should be asked to undergo a course in Character- building and to meditate regularly to help me overcome his negative emotional tendencies. Through daily inner reflection and meditation, the patient will develop greater self-awareness and emotional maturity, greatly improving his ability to control and channel his emotions, and consequently, vastly improving his health. It should be noted that in this case, pranic healing will not produce a permanent cure unless there is a corresponding emotional change. It is like extinguishing a fire caused by an arsonist without bothering to catch the culprit. What is to prevent the arsonist from burning the house again once it has been rebuilt? The root cause of the disease must be removed so that permanent healing can take place. The External and Internal Factors of Diseases. In the understanding of diseases, one should take into consideration the external and internal factors or the seen and unseen causes. External factors mean those physical factors which contribute to diseases like germs, malnutrition, toxins, pollutants, lack of exercise, poor breathing habits, insufficient water intake, and so on. Internal factors mean the emotional and energy factors which contribute to diseases like negative emotions, blocked meridians, pranic depletion and congestion and chakral malfunctioning, and so on. For instance, an emotional factor may lead to weakening of the solar plexus chakra and the liver, and the attack by a virus will lead to an inflammation of the liver. The external factor is the virus. The internal factors are the negative emotion and weakening of the solar plexus chakra and the liver, which make the liver vulnerable to viral infection. If the person’s solar plexus chakra and liver are in good condition, and if he is a person of higher vitality, then his probability of contracting the disease is lesser. His body’s defense mechanism or detoxifying and eliminating system would likely overcome the virus or the toxin. The application of pranic healing would cleanse, strengthen, and gradually restore the solar plexus chakra and the liver to their normal conditions. This can be done with or without the aid of drugs. Diseases may manifest under the following conditions: 1. The presence of external and internal factors. 2. The presence of an overwhelming internal factor only. For example, a person harboring intense anger and frustration may cause severe pranic congestion around the solar plexus chakra and, in the long run, the heart. Even if he were to watch his diet, he would still end up with a heart problem like heart enlargement. Also, habitual tension or stress may result in pranic congestion around the eye area and, in the long run, may result in glaucoma. (NOTE: Not all glaucoma are of emotional origin). 3. The presence of an overwhelming external factor only. For instance, taking a large dose of poison would certainly be fatal even if your energy body is in perfect condition. Poor reading habits would also eventually result in eye defects. Functions of the Energy Body. 1. It absorbs, distributes, and energizes the whole physical body with prana or ki. Prana or ki is that life energy which nourishes the whole body so that it could, together with its different organs, function properly and normally. Without prana, the body would die. 2. It acts as a mold or pattern for the visible physical body. This allows the visible physical body to maintain its shape, form and feature despite years of continuous metabolism. To be more exact, the visible physical body is moulded after the energy body. If the energy body is defective, then the visible physical body is defective. They are so closely related that what affects one affects the other. If one gets sick, the other also gets sick. If one gets healed, the other also gets healed. This may manifest gradually or almost instantaneously, assuming there are no interfering factors. 3. The energy body, through the chakras or whirling energy centres, controls and is responsible for the proper functioning of the whole physical body and its different parts and organs. This includes the endocrine glands, which are external manifestations of some of the major chakras. A lot of sickness are caused partially by the malfunctioning of one or more chakras. 4. The energy body, through its health rays and health auras, serves as a protective shield against germs and diseased energy. Diseased energy, used-up energy, toxins, wastes, and germs are expelled by the health rays predominantly via the pores, thereby purifying the whole body. Basic Problems and Treatments in Pranic Healing. Pranic healing involves the use of prana and the manipulation of bioplasmic matter of the patient’s body. The following are the basic problems and treatment encountered in pranic healing: 1. In areas where there is pranic depletion, cleansing and energizing are applied to the affected areas. The emphasis is on energizing. 2. In areas where there is pranic congestion, diseased and congested energy is removed or extracted from the affected areas. This is followed by projecting prana to the treated area. The emphasis is on cleansing or decongesting. 3. A malfunctioning chakra is restored by simply cleansing and energizing it with prana. 4. Drooping and entangled health rays are disentangled and strengthened. 5. Blocked meridians or energy channels are cleansed and energized. 6. Prana which leaks out through holes in the outer aura are sealed. 7. Specific types of prana are applied to produce specific results. Certain illnesses need a specific type or types of prana to produce faster results. This is taught in advanced pranic healing. “These then are the people who can be regarded as having full value, who have a great, often a stupendous, goal in view, but who never allow themselves to live in the clouds. They keep both feet firmly planted on earth, so as not to lose themselves in what is unreal for life here. With sound outlook and skilled hand they strive step by step towards their high and distant goal without harming anybody undeservedly. Whatever benefit is brought about by such people will seldom be confined to a few individuals. There is no question of their taking unfair advantage of anyone, as that would not justify their title of “striving towards the ideal”. Be on the alert! The person who really strives towards the ideal can be recognized by his efforts to uplift existing things on earth, not in the intellectual sense of increasing power and position, but towards ennobling them!” – page 346. Lecture 23. IDEAL HUMAN BEINGS. ABD-RU-SHIN IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH THE GRAIL MESSAGE. Composite Volume. Levels of Pranic Healing. Pranic healing has several levels gradating from simple to more complicated concepts, and from easy to difficult techniques. Level One: Elementary Pranic Healing At this level, the concepts and techniques are easy to learn. Tactile concentration is required. It takes about three to five sessions to learn the basic principles and techniques and to be able to do simple pranic healing. About a few days, a few weeks or a few months of regular practice and application are required to become proficient, depending on the attitude of the student. Level Two: Intermediate Pranic Healing This level is still easy. Pranic breathing is used at this level. Visual concentration is optional but still required. Just as in level one, this takes about three to five sessions to learn the basic principles and techniques to be able to start healing more difficult cases. To become proficient, takes about a few weeks to about two months of regular practice and application, depending on the attitude of the student. Level Three: Distant Pranic Healing This level involves a gradual development of one’s psychic faculty. It may take several weeks or months to a year or two of regular practice and application to become very accurate in the diagnosis and to produce specific, accurate, predetermined results. Level Four: Advanced Pranic Healing The use of visualization techniques is definitely required and more thorough knowledge on the nature of diseases and the properties of different of different types of prana is necessary. Advanced pranic healers are expected to have a strong energy body and a big inner aura. Advanced pranic healing uses colour prana advanced healing technique to produce rapid healing results. To become proficient in advanced pranic healing would require at least one to two years of regular practice. Level Five: Pranic Psychotherapy Pranic psychotherapy is advanced pranic healing applied in the field of psychological ailments. The practitioner should be at least proficient in intermediate pranic healing. Level Six: Pranic Crystal Healing Pranic Crystal Healing is using crystals as instruments to facilitate pranic treatment. Levels of Certification. Associate Pranic Healer Proficient in elementary and intermediate pranic healing. In the process of becoming proficient in distant healing, advanced pranic healing and pranic psychotherapy, an associate pranic healer is just like a medical intern or an apprentice. Certified Pranic Healer Proficient in advanced pranic healing, pranic psychotherapy, and pranic crystal healing. Certified Pranic Psychotherapist A certified pranic healer who has specialized in pranic psychotherapy. Certified Senior Pranic Healer Very experienced and proficient in advanced pranic healing, pranic psychotherapy, and pranic crystal healing. At the moment relatively rare. Certified Assistant Master Pranic Healer Proficient in using powerful and advanced pranic healing techniques not revealed at the moment to the public. A certified assistant pranic healer has been trained under the guidance of a master or grand master pranic healer. Also, should have a track record of producing many rapid miraculous healing that other pranic healers in general will find difficult to duplicate. At the moment, rare. Certified Master Pranic Healer Much more skillful and powerful than an assistant master pranic healer. Has trained several students to become a certified assistant master pranic healer. At the moment, very rare. Certified Grand Master Pranic Healer Can heal very difficult cases in one or two sessions if karmically permissible and if patient is receptive. The high level of healing skill achieved is extremely rare. The standards set in Pranic Healing are relatively high. As a matter of fact, an associate pranic healer is usually more skillful and competent in healing than another healer with the title of a master belonging to some other schools. Many healers of other schools are adapting techniques from pranic healing. This is good. “Naturally this art of healing cannot be acquired at beer and wine orgies. It demands serious and above all, robust and healthy human beings! …, for today such conditions are not so easily fulfilled. And what has once been neglected in this respect cannot be retrieved. Besides, the genuine, strong healing power cannot be acquired by learning. It is a gift, which ordained the one thus gifted as a called one”. – page 549. Lecture 58. HEALING BY MAGNETISM. ABD-RU-SHIN IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH THE GRAIL MESSAGE. Composite Volume. May we continually strive to live The Grail Message, So Be It!

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