The Nature of the Energy Body 1.

“And everything is life, nothing is dead! Happy is he who seizes and holds on to such moments of affinity, using them to soar upwards. In so doing he must not keep to rigid forms, but everyone must develop himself, from within. Ignore the scoffers, who are still strangers to spiritual life. They stand before the great Work of Creation, which offers us so much, like drunkards, like sick people. Like blind men who grope their way through life on earth without seeing all the splendor around them! They are confused, they sleep; for how can anyone still affirm, for instance, that only what he can see exists? That with his physical death he himself also ceases to exist, all because in his blindness he could not, until now, convince himself to the contrary through his eyes? Does he not already know from many things how very limited is the capacity of the eye? Does he not yet know that it is related to the capacity of his brain, which is bound to time and space?.... Yet our eyes do not even see all that can be classified within time and space. Think of a drop of water, which appears immaculately pure to every eye; and which on examination under the microscope is shown to contain millions of living organisms mercilessly fighting and destroying each other. Are there not sometimes bacteria in both water and air that have the power to destroy human bodies, and that are imperceptible to the human eye? But they become visible by means of powerful instruments. Who then will dare to maintain that there is nothing new and as yet unknown to be seen when the power of these instruments is further increased? Increase their power a thousandfold, a millionfold, and there will be no end to what may be seen, but ever new worlds which previously you could neither see nor feel, yet which nevertheless existed, will unfold before you.” – pages 29 and 30, Lecture 5. AWAKE! ABD-RU-SHIN IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH THE GRAIL MESSAGE. Composite Volume. “A time will come when science will make tremendous advances, not because of better instruments for discovering and measuring things, but because a few people will have at their command great spiritual powers, which at the present are seldom used. Within a few centuries, the art of spiritual healing will be increasingly developed and universally used.” – Gustaf Stromberg, Mount Wilson Astronomer, Man, Mind, and the Universe. “The idea of human aura, a radiating luminous cloud surrounding the body, is an ancient one. Sacred images from early Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome used this convention before it became so popular in Christian art, and before the aura was considered an attribute of ordinary everyday mortals…. For centuries, it has been believed that clairvoyant people could actually see an aura surrounding ordinary individuals, and this aura differed from person to person in colour and character, expressing the health, emotional and spiritual attributes of the subject. The visionary Swedenborg wrote in his Spiritual Diary: “There is a spiritual sphere surrounding everyone as well as a natural and corporeal one”. – W.J. Kilner, The Human Aura. The energy body interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four to five inches. This invisible luminous energy field which follows the contour of the visible physical body is called the inner aura. When the energy body becomes sick, it may be caused partially by general or localized depletion of prana (life force or vital energy) in the energy body. This is called pranic depletion. The inner aura of the affected part is reduced to about two inches or less. For example, near-sighted persons usually have pranic depletion around the eye areas. The inner aura around the eye area may be smaller than two inches. However, there are cases in which an eye may suffer pranic depletion and congestion simultaneously. The more severe the sickness, the smaller is the affected inner aura. There are cases in which the affected inner aura has been reduced to half an inch or less. You can learn to feel the inner auras with your palms in two to four sessions of practice, if you are focused. Feeling the aura is called scanning. Sickness may also be caused by excess prana in localized area or areas for a prolonged period of time. This is called pranic congestion. The affected areas may protrude to about seven inches or more. In more severe cases, the affected inner aura may protrude to two and a half feet or more. An example is a person suffering from heart enlargement who has pranic congestion around the heart, left shoulder, and upper left arm. The affected areas may protrude to about one foot in thickness. In pranic depletion and congestion, the surrounding fine meridians or bioplasmic (energy) channels are partially or severely blocked. It means prana cannot flow freely in and out around the affected area. Clairvoyantly, the affected areas are seen as light gray to dark gray in colour. If these are inflamed, then they appear muddy red; with some cases of cancer, they appear muddy yellow-red; with appendicitis, muddy green; and with some cases of ear problems, muddy orange. From the surface of the physical body are bioplasmic rays perpendicularly projecting from it. These rays are called health rays which interpenetrate the aura. The sum of these health rays is called the health aura. The health rays and the health aura are roughly two or three feet in length. The health aura follows the contour of the visible physical body and functions as a protective force field which shields the whole body from germs and diseased energy in the surroundings. Toxins, wastes, germs, and diseased energy are expelled by the health rays predominantly through the pores. If a person is weakened, the health rays droop and are partially entangled. Then the whole body becomes susceptible to infection. The capacity of the health rays to expel toxins, wastes, germs, and diseased energy is also greatly diminished. Healing is facilitated by strengthening and disentangling the health rays. Beyond the health aura is another luminous energy field called the outer aura. It interpenetrates the inner and health auras and usually extends about one metre away from the visible physical body. It is usually multicoloured and shaped like an inverted egg. Its colours are influenced by the physical, emotional, and mental states of the person. Clairvoyantly, some sick persons have been observed to have holes in their outer auras through which prana leaks out. Therefore, the outer aura can be considered as a force field that contains or prevent the leaking out of pranic energy. In a sense, it acts as container for the subtle energies. As the human race evolves to a higher level, the size of the energy centres (chakras), inner aura, health rays, health aura, and outer aura may considerably increase. The Intimate Relationship between the Energy Body and the Physical Body. Both the energy body and the visible physical body are so closely related that what affects one affects the other and vice-versa. For instance, if the bioplasmic throat is weakened, then this may manifest on the visible physical body as cough, cold, sore throat, tonsillitis or other throat-related problems. Should a person accidentally cut his skin, there is a corresponding pranic leak in the area where there is bleeding. Initially, the affected area where there is a cut or sprain would become temporarily brighter due to pranic leak but would inevitably become grayish because of pranic depletion. If any part of the energy body is weakened either because of pranic congestion or depletion, the visible physical counterpart would either malfunction or become susceptible to infection. For example, a depleted solar plexus and liver may manifest as jaundice or hepatitis. From the given examples, it becomes quite clear that the energy body and the visible physical body affects each other. By healing the energy body, the visible physical body gets healed in the process. This is called the Law of Correspondence. By regularly cleansing and energizing with prana, the near-sighted eyes would gradually improve and heal. A person with heart enlargement can be relieved in one to two sessions by simply decongesting the affected heart, shoulder and upper arm areas. Complete cure would take at least several months. By decongesting and energizing the head area, headaches can be removed in a few minutes. “Thus equipped, man could be closely connected with the finest ethereal, indeed even be in touch with the Spiritual itself and yet live and work in the midst of all that is earthly, gross material. Only man is endowed in this way. He alone, as the only bridge between the Luminous Heights and the gross material earthly, should and could provide the healthy, fresh connection! Only through him in his special nature could the pure Life from the Source of Light pulsate downwards into the deepest gross material and from there upwards again in the most glorious, harmonious reciprocal action! He stands as a link between the two worlds, so that through him these are welded into one world.” Page 231. Lecture 4. MAN IN CREATION. ABD-RU=SHIN IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH THE GRAIL MESSAGE. Composite Volume. Through clairvoyant observations, a disease can be seen in the energy body even before it manifests itself on the visible physical body. Non-clairvoyants may scan or feel that the inner aura of the affected part is either smaller or bigger than usual. For instance, before a person suffers from cough and colds, the bioplasmic throat and lungs are pranically depleted and can be observed clairvoyantly as grayish. These areas when scanned can be felt as hollows in the inner aura. Another example: a person who is about to suffer from jaundice can be observed clairvoyantly as having a gray solar plexus and liver. Physical tests or diagnoses will show the patient as normal or healthy. Unless the patient is treated, the disease will manifest inevitably on the visible physical body. It is a lot easier and faster to heal the disease when it is still in the energy body and has not yet manifested on the visible physical body. Manifestation of disease can also be prevented by taking proper medication. In cases where the disease has manifested, healing should be applied as early as possible. The earlier pranic treatment is applied, the faster is the rate of healing. Healing becomes more difficult if the disease has developed fully since it takes more time and more pranic energy. It is important that the disease must be treated as early as possible to ensure speedy recovery. The visible physical body is patterned or moulded after the energy body. The mind can intentionally or unintentionally influence the pattern of the energy body. Men well-versed in esoteric studies encourage their wives to look at beautiful things, to listen to harmonious music, feel and think positively, engage in serious studies, and avoid the opposites. These activities affect not only the features of the unborn baby but also his emotional and mental potentialities and tendencies. If the influences are positive, then the effects are positive. If the influences are negative, then the effects are negative. Pregnant women should take note of this so that they would be able to bear better children. This idea that mind can influence and actually mold the energy body to a certain degree is not new. What we see, feel, and think can influence the energy body, especially that of the unborn baby. Chakras or Energy Centres. “As the disciples were assembled on this day in commemoration of their ascended Lord Who had promised to send the Spirit, thus the Living Power, an anchorage was given in this commemoration for the possibility that with the happening taking place at this time in the Primordial Spiritual, a repercussion of this could – to a certain and corresponding degree – descend directly upon the disciples on earth, who had assembled in worship and accordingly adjusted themselves to it! All the more so since the way to these disciples had been opened up and smoothed by the life of the Son of God on earth.”- Page 567. Lecture 63. THE OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. ABD-RU-SHIN IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH THE GRAIL MESSAGE. Composite Volume. Chakras or whirling energy centres are very important parts of the energy body. Just as the visible physical body has vital and minor organs, the energy body has major, minor, and mini chakras. Major chakras are whirling energy centres which in general are about three to four inches in diameter. They control and energize the major and vital organs of the visible physical body. Major chakras are just like power stations that supply life energy to major and vital organs. When the power stations malfunction, the vital organs becomes sick and diseased because they do not have enough life energy to operate properly! Minor chakras are about one to two inches in diameter. Mini chakras are smaller than one inch in diameter. Minor and mini chakras control and energize the less important parts of the visible physical body. The chakras interpenetrate and extend beyond the visible physical body. They have several important functions as follows: 1. They absorb, digest, and redistribute prana to the different parts of the body. 2. The chakras control, energize, and are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole physical body and its different parts and organs. The endocrine glands are controlled and energized by some of the major chakras. The endocrine glands can be stimulated or inhibited by controlling or manipulating the major chakras. A lot of ailments are caused partially by the malfunctioning of the chakras. 3. Some chakras are sites or centres of psychic faculties. Activation of certain chakras (energy centres) may result in the development of certain psychic faculties. For example, among the easiest and the safest chakras to activate are the hand chakras, one develops the ability to feel subtle energies and the ability to feel the outer, health, and inner auras. This can simply be accomplished by regularly concentrating on them. It is called sensitizing the hands. Remember always, when perceiving, we are using divine power, when thinking we are using divine power, when speaking, writing, reading, acting, we are using divine power, with which we may uplift ourselves or otherwise, depending upon our inner state. Hence, the need for constant inner and outer purification every moment. The strength is given.

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