To the glory of GOD! I have seek and found. I have asked and received. I have knocked and the door has been opened to me. Hence, am using this medium to naturally and simply share my conviction with you. There are many things that money cannot buy, yet there is one we may never be able to comprehend, and that is Life Force or Life Energy or Chi or Qi. The simplest and most natural way to understand Creation and Creation in general is to open your heart and mind to, and simply examine In The Light of Truth, The Grail Message, and strive to adjust your perception, thinking, speaking and actions accordingly. Only then may you advance spiritually, physically, and transform consciousness to self consciousness. Fools are they who say The Grail Message is not practicable, that it elaborates only theoretically, giving the gist of the matter, and not offerring tools for spiritual and physical advancement. Dear friend, tear yourselves off indolence, let go of the habitual love of ease, strive for recognition, let your faith become conviction, free yourselves from all old habits, it lay within the capacity of each individual to bestir self and benefit from the salvation and redemption offerred to failing humanity by the Son of Man, in The Last Hand, In The Grail Message. How about many who read The Message, and claimed that they do not understand, including my friends that seek a message that is practicable? Rejoice, for your petitions have been given due diligence, but am disheartened at your neglect of simplicity and naturalness. In the benevolence of Life, Creation brought you Arhatic Yoga (fussion of Hatha, Bhakti, Jnana, Raja, and Kundalini Yogas), which is highly practical as you desire, and potent tools for spiritual and physical advancement. Its practicability for accelerated spiritual advancement is such that you must render service daily, thight regularly, study daily, meditate daily, do inner and outer purification everyday, and do devotion to God, Archangels, Spiritual Teachers, Holy Masters, and to your Higher Soul. In fact, before you can attain to the Arhatic Yoga preparatory level, you must as an essential, soulfully partake of the following courses: Basic Pranic Healing; Advance Pranic Healing; Pranic Psychotherapy; Pranic Crystal Healing; Pranic Psychic Self Defense. To further sharpen and bring spiritual awareness to impress upon your physical reality, you may be required to also do the following courses: Pranic Facelift; Kryashakti; Pranic Feng Shui; Inner Teachings of Buddhism; Inner Teachings of Christianity: Om Mane Padme Hum. The Grail Message, in its simplicity and naturalness stands!!! Issuing directly from the Unsubstantiate, complete knowledge of Creation and Creation in general, providing joyful and liberating answers to every question. Recommended strictly for earnest seekers only, for only such shall find. Know for sure that the way to The Highest is open to everyone, but only those who keep the hearth of their thought pure, and cultivate a firm volition for good always, shall find the way. Begin now to transform your intellect, free will, and body into blessings to all, let the spirit free, let the spirit lead, let Love prevail! Atma Namaste!

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