टोटल फिटनेस & रादिंत हेअलथ.


For various reasons the majority of people today do not enjoy radiant health. many there are who survive the busy daily work in a spirit of noble endurance rather than one of zest & lively interest. They are not exactly unfit nor mentally ill, neither do they often succumb to any serious malady. They simply do not enjoy the physical radiance which spells life with a capital 'L'. They readily tire. They lack stamina.

The reasons for this below-par condition are usually simple, & can therefore be easily remedied. In view of this, it is the purpose of this blog to set forth the basic ingredient of total fitness & radiant health. They include rest, exercise, sleep, water, sunshine, fresh air - all of which are freely ours for the taking. Most vital ingredient of course is that of food. Fortunately, total fitness & radiant health makes no heavy or expensive demand in this respect. Virtually none nowadays, are unable to procure a sufficiency of the essential health-giving foods & sensible exercise techniques. My blog is intended to be a guide in the important matters of exercise, of eating, & of food selection.

Brief section of the blog are devoted to such matters as temperance, & to a consideration of certain popular & pleasurable indulgences which actually are the unsuspected causes of much suffering.

Sound advice on the principles of mental health is likewise set forth, for much physical suffering is actually traceable to mental causes. Included also, is a word on the spiritual factor, which is coming more & more to be recognized as supremely important in the realm of mental stability & bodily health.

It is my conviction & sincere hope that the principles herein set forth, & the practical advice which is offered, will be read with interest & profit.

Love, joy, & gratitude.

Olusanya B.F.
Total Fitness Consultant.

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