We Were Created to Live Forever!

Its a confirmed fact that we were created to live life forever. Whether you accept this fact or not, it does not affect the truth. Imagine a rich, healthy, & wealthy man. He built a 3 bedroom bungalow in a serene location, furnished the house with all the necessary facilities that makes living in a house comfortable. Then the man, seeing you as a friend, put you in the house to live in with your family of procreation. Some few years later, the man paid you an impromptu visit and discovered that you have not been taking good care of the house & the surroundings. Obviously, he will not be glad enough to transfer the ownership of the house to you. Also, due to the fact that you have not been taking good care of the house & the environment, all forms of foreign body will creep into your home to cause you & your family to fall ill.

Now, let me link this illustration to creation in general, & to man. Remember, Almighty God created every good thing first- (all swinging in accordance with His Will), thereafter, He created man perfectly, bestowing upon him free-will. He created man and put him into all the good things He had created, for man to live forever. Man had to choose either to use & take good care of all the good things God has created for him or to misuse & care less about all the good things created.

Suffice to state here that man cannot create, man can only re-create, using those good things created by God-only Him can create, He is the Creator! Man re-creates with the Power that has been given him through the Will of God-the Holy Spirit. This power is the free-will. When we use this power to think positive, bless, & actualize good, then we would have succeeded in re-creating something good. Unfortunately today, the reverse is the case with most of us.

Now, to the crux of the matter. The simple reason why we die today is due to the fact that we men have failed to recognize the Will of God & live in accordance with His Will. We have chosen to do things our own way forgetting that there is a Will! If we cultivate a positive mental attitude, bless with the words of our mouth, actualize good, eat & drink modestly, be active, take good care of our home & environment - I believe strongly that illness & disease will be far away from us.

The earth is our material paradise. He who cannot experience heaven on earth cannot die and expect to see himself wake up in heaven. God only created Heaven, we men created hell for ourselves with our thoughts, words & actions. Man was meant to live forever on earth, provided we had not deviated from swinging in His Will. Its our choice of action that brought about death. Death, deformity, poverty & all other calamities we find in our society today is as a result of man's misuse of the blessings bestowed upon him. Nevertheless, change is inevitable. Those that are willing to change for good shall be given the grace, while those that refuse to swing in His Will, shall forcefully be brought low.

The long & short of all am saying is that we all have a choice- Life or death! Choose to swing in the His Will, you live forever (bliss). Choose to do your own will, you die forever (hell). The choice is ours. At every point in time, we always have a choice - there no such thing as 'I did not have a choice'. We are the architect of our own destiny. Let us begin to live in the present & live heavenly on our material paradise. I love you all!

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