A number of clients that began an exercise program, either in the indoor or outdoor gym, or by home service personal training, most often finds it challenging to sustain the program due to inability to always create time for their workout. Although, being able to sustain an exercise program consistently over time requires determination & discipline. Its also important that an achievable exercise goal be set in order to ensure sustainability.

Right now, am going to design a simple 30 minutes exercise program that a healthy individual can practice in a room without any equipment. Its called '30 minutes Complete Body Workout'. Immediately you wake up in the morning, after saying your morning prayers, take in a very deep breath, hold for 10 seconds, then exhale from your mouth. Repeat this action 2 more times, thereafter, keep your fingers in front of your temple, your feet hip-width apart, and then do 30 reps of squats. After 10 seconds, keep your palms on the floor, shoulder-width apart, do 30 reps of push-ups. Rest for 10 seconds, thereafter, keep your hands on your waistline, feet together, then do the lunges, alternating one foot after the other, 30 reps.

Now you move into mild stretches. Stand upright, hold both hands up & gently tilt your trunk backwards & hold for 20 seconds while breathing in & out. Secondly, relax your trunk forward, stretching your palms downwards beside your feet & your head reaching for your knees. Hold this stretch for 20 seconds. Thirdly, keep your palms in the prayer position in front of your face, & squat down into full sitting position. Hold the stretch for another 20 seconds. Finally, stand upright, spread your feet, drop one hand to the side of your calf, & tilt your trunk sideways, raising the other hand above your head. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds & repeat same for the other side of the body.

Then you are set for the day. Make sure you drink water at room temperature & cultivate a positive mental attitude throughout the day. My next post shall be 'Natural Unspoiled Diet Plan'. Watch out.

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