अनेरोबिक एक्सेर्सिसे & इट्स बेनेफिट्स.

The aim of anaerobic exercise is to build power, strength & muscle. The muscles are exercised at high intensity for short durations. A short duration usually means no more than about 2 minutes.

Anaerobic means without air. Anaerobic exercise improve our muscle strength & our ability to move with quick burst of speed. When thinking of anaerobic exercise, think of short & fast or short & intensive. Anaerobic exercises include:

1. Weight Lifting;

2. Sprinting;

3. Intensive & Fast Skipping;

4. Interval Training;

5. Isometrics;

6. Any rapid burst of hard exercise.

Oxygen is not used for energy during anaerobic exercise. During this type of exercise a bye-product - lactic-acid is produced. Lactic-acid contributes to muscle fatigue & must be used up during recovery before that muscle can be subjected to another anaerobic session. During the recovery period, oxygen is used to give the muscle a 'refill'-to replenish the muscle's energy that was used up during the intensive exercise.

Overall, anaerobic exercise uses up fewer calories than aerobic exercise. The cardiovascular benefits of aerobic exercises are greater than the cardiovascular benefits of anaerobic exercises. However, anaerobic exercise is better at building strength & muscle mass, while still benefitting the heart & lungs. As you build more muscle you will burn more fat, even at rest. Muscles burn more calories per unit volume than any other tissue in the body. A muscular person burns more calories than a non-muscular person, even while he or she is resting. This study found that resistant training may aid in weight loss.


1. The exerciser gets stronger.

2. The exerciser experiences gowth in muscle mass.

3. Strengthens bones.

4. Strengthens & protects the joints.

5. Helps control body weight.

6. The exerciser can withstand a greater buildup of lactic acid & other waste substances, & can eliminate them more rapidly.

In my next post, I shall be writing on 'Agility Training' & its benefits. Stay posted!

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