सम फक्ट्स अबाउट एक्सेर्सिसे & लैक ऑफ़ एक्सेर्सिसे.

Most of us know how beneficial exercise is for our health. It is surprising however, how little many of us know about the dangers of being unfit. In western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, Nigeria, and much of the rest of the world, the number of overweight/obese people is growing alarmingly fast.

The United Kingdom has a population of 61 million. 24 million of them are overweight/obese today. Experts say it will not be long before 25% of UK's population is obese (not overweight, just obese). The United States of America has already reached that figure - in Tennessee & Alabama over 30% of adults are obese today.

9000 premature deaths each year in the UK are because of obesity. Obesity significantly reduces the lifespan of a person.

Physically active people have a much lower risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, & many types of cancer.

30% of heart disease deaths in the UK happen to people under 75 years of age.

Vigorous exercise can help elderly people avoid disability, a study found.

Women who do not exercise regularly have more complications during & after pregnancy. This post explains why women should be encouraged to exercise during pregnancy.

Exercise improves your mood.

Physical activity after the menopause reduces breast cancer risk, a study revealed.

Regular exercise improves your sex life.

A study found that exercise makes you eat less by suppressing appetite hormones.

Exercise improves your confidence.

A study explains how exercise can reduce cigarette cravings for people who are trying to quit smoking.

Exercise helps you to live longer (mainly for the many reasons listed above).

Even some cancer patient can benefit from exercise. A study explains how exercise can help non-small cell lung cancer patients.

Overall, you a lot to gain by including at least 60 minutes of exercise in your daily routine. You'll be the better for it!

In my next post, I shall write on 'what exercise is', 'various forms of exercise', 'intensity', & 'specific benefits'. Stay on post!

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