वाटर एंड अप्प्ले बॉडी क्लेँसे.

As I promised in my previous post, here is a step by step guide on how to cleanse your body using water and apple. But before I go on, let me intimate you of certain facts.

We live in a chemicalised world. Some chemicals are good for the body (in some food), while there are many chemicals we need to avoid or eliminate from the body in order to stay healthy. The food we eat contains natural & artificial chemicals, depending on the choice of food we eat. If we choose natural foods, eat slowly & moderately, our body will accept these foods & utilise them optimally. On the other hand, if we choose processed & artificial foods, eat faster & excessively, our body will react to the foods, utilise the needed quantity, & leave the undigested portion in the colon for hours (these are toxic).

What we eat & drink accounts primarily for the variation of the chemical composition of each individual i.e. body chemistry. This translates to individual temperament, feelings & emotions. This is why it is strongly admonished - always pay close attention to what you put into your mouth, because it most often determines what comes out of the mouth. Choose 'living foods' - fresh fruits & fresh vegetables, cereals, wholemeal, wheatmeal, plant proteins, nuts, unsaturated fat, & of course water.

Remember, the smallest living unit in the body is the cells. Anything you eat is absorbed by the cells, whether good or not good, the cells feed on the food, drink & smoke (cigarette, burning wood, generator fumes, vehicle exhaust, etcetera) we take in everyday. Anytime we fall ill, it simply means that our cells are dieing/deceased due to certain factors which the physician discloses. If we are healthy, this means that our cells are doing well due to certain factors, some of which I mentioned earlier. This is true because the cells feeds & make up the tissues, the tissues feed & make up the organs, the organs feed & make up the systems, while the systems make up the human body. This is why health or illness is dynamic & each develops over certain period of time, depending on the kind of lifestyle an individual have chosen to lead.

Now, to the crux of the matter - water & apple body cleanse. The aim of this procedure is to flush out toxin from the body, increase energy & encourage a healthy eating habit. It is beneficial to individuals who have resolved to embrace a healthy eating habit for the rest of their life. It is the most effective & the most affordable form of body cleanse. All you need is : Determination; Clean Water; & Apples.

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