अगिलिटी ट्रेनिंग.

Agility training aims to improve a person's ability to speed up & slow down, change directionswhile maintaining balance & control. In tennis for example, agility training helps the player maintain control over his/her court positioning through good recovery after each shot. A crucial skill in tennis is to be able to position yourself in the court so that you can hit the ball to maximum effect. Agility does not only help the tennis player get to the ball more effectively & set up for a better shot, it also gives him or her better balance in order to hit the ball.

Agility training is practiced extensively by people who are into certain sports where positioning, coordination, balance & the ability to suddenly change posture & speed are essential.

Agility & coordination are two key attributes for a successfull soccer/football player. Such compound movements as dribbling, turning, passing & intercepting require a wide assortment of balance, coordination & other skills, such as the ability to accelerate & decelerate quickly. A good soccer player also needs excellent special awareness & accurate timing. Soccer players often practice improving their ability to change the direction of the body abruptly, or shift stance without losing balance.

Agility includes speed, strength, balance & coordination. The following sports are known to require agility : tennis; soccer; rugby; American football; squash; hockey; badminton; volleyball; basketball; martial arts; boxing; & wrestling.

In my next post, I shall be writing on 'Total Fitness', 'Physical Fitness & Its Components', and 'The Benefits of Physical Fitness'. Stay posted!

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