
Showing posts from October, 2016


Is there righteous anger ever? Is there righteous anger ever? Or is there only anger? There is no good influence or bad influence, only influence, but when you are influenced by something which doesn’t suit me I call it an evil influence. The moment you protect your family, your country, a bit of coloured rag called a flag, a belief, an idea, a dogma, the thing that you demand or that you hold, that very protection indicates anger. So can you look at anger without any explanation or justification, without saying, “I must protect my goods,” or “I was right to be angry,” or “How stupid of me to be angry”? Can you look at anger as if it were something by itself? Can you look at completely objectively, which means neither defending it nor condemning it? Freedom from the Known, p 52. In the presence of anger The brain when faced with violence undergoes a rapid chemical change; it reacts much quicker than the blow. One’s whole body reacts and there is immediate response; ...


Physical and psychological security One cannot live without security, that is the very first, primary animal demand, that there be physical security. One must have a house, food and clothing. But the psychological way in which we use this necessity for security brings about chaos within and without. The psyche, which is the very structure of thought, also wants to be secure inwardly, in all its relationships. Then the trouble begins. There must be physical security for everybody, not only for the few; but that physical security for everybody is denied when psychological security is sought through nations, through religions, through the family. The Flight of the Eagle, p57

The True Nature of the Spirit Warrior… Are You One?

What the world needs most of all right now, is for the new breed of ‘Spirit Warriors’ to step up and step out. It needs people to dive into centre stream; to take a risk, that we can truly change the worldwide reality by having the courage to change our own. It is said that madness is doing the same thing day in day out and yet expecting different results. Well, there’s plenty of madness out there right now! So where do you stand? Are you one of the New Spirit Warriors? Here’s how to tell 22 Ways to tell if You are a Spirit Warrior: 1. A Spirit Warrior recognises that they, and only they, create their reality. In other words, they fearlessly embrace every person, situation and circumstance that they have drawn, as their own manifestation. And they’re prepared to deal with that (see Law of Attraction unveiled). 2. A Spirit Warrior realises that ‘fearlessness’ is not to be without fear; rather it is to be continually confronting and breaking through fear in the moment it arises. ...

Understanding the Root Cause of Depression So We Can Deal With It.

Can you believe it, 70% of Americans are on some kind of prescription drug and more than half receive at least two prescriptions. High on the list of drugs prescribed are antidepressants. I find that shocking. Not least, it speaks about the dysfunctional nature of society in terminal decline. The system is not working! I imagine practically everyone suffers from some kind of unhappiness or depression from time to time. Why does that happen? How might we deal with it in an effective, spiritual way, without prescribing medication?… The not-so-merry-go-round of society I believe there are many reasons why people suffer bouts of depression, and to me, I sense it’s mainly – if not always – due to a dysfunctional relationship with the divine. I observe in the work I do with people, if we can get that inner relationship aligned and ticking well, then depression and other disfunctional experiences dissolve away. I put it to you, that the root cause of all Depression, is a dysfunctional re...

Kundalini Activation – Reclaiming Your True Nature.

I can recall in my spiritual journey a time of inner purification, which steadily integrated and unleashed soul through my being. Each step was like a home coming – a remembrance of who I was and where I really came from. But nothing was quite like the power of Kundalini Reactivation: the unification of higher and lower self, which I experienced as the top of my head lifting off and a fountain of light connecting me deep into the cosmos. This truly was like coming home! So what exactly is Kundalini and how do we activate it?… What is Kundalini? To me the soul is a flowing stream of consciousness, out from the source and back again. In an aligned state, it’s an eternal flow of creativity, symbolised by the figure 8; you’re in creative alignment with the divine, every step feels interconnected with the universe, an orchestra of synchronicity sounding in your ears. It’s like every action is supported, and even when your creative manifestation is blocked in the physical world by someo...

Dealing With the Challenges of Being an Empath (or Highly Sensitive)

Let me begin by saying I am not an empath. I am a catalyst, but I do have empathic tendencies. The work here at Openhand draws plenty of empaths (and highly sensitive people) naturally, by the Law of Attraction. Perhaps then, there’s something an empath can learn about their gift from a catalyst? (and of course vice versa). Perhaps there’s something a catalyst naturally does, which is inherent to their nature, that an empath can develop inside themselves? And maybe this can make living in this complex and diverse world a whole lot easier? That’s the purpose of this exploration which I invite you to join… How the Catalyst Might Help The Empath An empath is someone who can – and naturally does – take on the feelings and emotions of others as their own. It means they can literally feel what another is feeling. But this gift can sometimes become a helluva nightmare until it’s properly developed. In taking on the emotions, thoughts and feelings of those around you, and society, you bec...

The System is Dying: Step Out All You Lightwarriors!

These are exhilarating times to be alive! The controlling system that has limited humanity for so long is beginning to die. The signs are all around, while the powers-that-be struggle to cobble it all together. We need to now begin to shed the skin of the old reality in order to emerge fully into the New Paradigm. But this is not about fighting the old. There’s no need. We simply have to live the New Paradigm here and now, develop new ways of living and being, then the old system will simply crumble away. What practical steps can people take to accelerate the shift? The tide is turning Even the most hardened New Paradigm skeptic can surely see the old capitalistic system is ready to capitulate. It is fatally flawed, because its very foundation stone is based on ever-increasing consumption; money is debt, and for the money supply to increase, the level of global debt has to increase. And this can only be done by borrowing from tomorrow’s resources today. That’s why we’ve seen the ...

What Is The Purpose of YOUR Incarnation? Why Exactly Are YOU Here?

The divine Gift of Beingness. It seems to me so many are trying to figure out exactly why they are here, in this incarnation right now. And in a world of increasing turbulence, exactly what are you here to do? How can we help? It’s a question that’s enough to drive you crazy just thinking about it! So what if the reason for your incarnation could easily be revealed to you from the current circumstances of your life? What if a simple change of perspective on how you create reality could uplift not just you, but everyone around you? What if that’s the only truly positive way to change the world… The Universal Law of Attraction Universal Law of Attraction, which in essence means: Everything works in the universe according to the configuration of consciousness. Whatever configuration we have inside, is creative and manifests outside of ourselves exactly the mirror we need, in order to further unwind, evolve and grow. Our purpose here is to shine our light ever more brightly, to exp...

Expressing Beyond Words – Finding the Spiritual Samurai in You.

We often hear in spiritual circles about “the importance of speaking one’s truth”. Yet so often, I hear from people that when they do this, such as in family groups for example, others frequently resist; they still work to pigeon-hole you into the ‘norm’ — they still try to stick you in that labeled box that they’re comfortable with. Short of completely walking away from the relationship, what choice are you left with? Personally I believe “speaking one’s truth” is a misnomer and we would better be served by speaking more in terms of “expressing one’s truth”. What’s the subtle difference, and why is it important? Challenging the Old ‘Norms’ I recall leaving a marriage which simply wasn’t working. I’d gone through a massive spiritual expansion, and despite months of marriage guidance counseling, working to find common ground, my partner couldn’t accept who I now was. She’d frequently project judgment at me and try to contain me in the old comfortable ‘slippers’. Even after our marr...