In the Light of Truth The Grail Message by Abdrushin
2. Awake! Awake, ye men, out of your leaden slumber! Recognize the ignoble burden you bear, that weighs upon millions with enormous pressure. Throw it off! Is it worth bearing? Not for a single second! Of what does it consist? Empty husks which the breath of Truth will scatter in the wind. You have wasted time and energy for nothing. Therefore burst the fetters that hold you down, and free yourselves at last! The man who remains inwardly bound will always be a slave, even if he were a king. You bind yourselves with all that you aspire to learn. Reflect: In acquiring knowledge you continuously force yourselves into alien forms thought out by others; you willingly adopt an alien conviction, making your own only what others have experienced within, for themselves. Consider: What applies to one does not apply to all! What helps one person may harm the other. Each individual must make his own way to perfection. The abilities he carries within him are his equipment for this. He must a...